CREARA and ANESE sign an agreement to promote the refinancing of energy efficiency projects in Spain.
- The agreement is created to collaborate in the development of REFINE, a European project funded by the H2020 programme, focused on developing instruments to facilitate the refinancing of energy efficiency projects across Europe.
As part of this agreement, ANESE will contribute to the identification of potential pilot projects among its members, and to the organisation of capacity building and training workshops in 2022/23. In turn, Creara joins the association as a full member.
“ANESE’s participation in the project is key. Not only because it brings together the main Spanish energy services companies, which are the ones that propose to the client the tools and financial instruments for financing EE projects, but also because of all the knowledge they have of the energy services market in its entirety, including a key tool such as refinancing“, says Rodrigo Morell, CEO of CREARA, a company specialised in energy efficiency and decarbonisation strategies, which is the leader of the REFINE project in Spain.
For his part, Carlos Ballesteros, Director of ANESE, highlights the importance of this agreement, especially when it comes to promoting the implementation of energy efficiency projects. “The incorporation into ANESE of companies of recognised prestige in the field of energy consultancy, such as CREARA, is very important. And it is essential that we work together to promote the incorporation of an innovative financing mechanism, such as the refinancing of EE projects, for our ESCOs and thanks to the REFINE project. In addition, REFINE is a great opportunity for ESCOs, helping them to obtain liquidity and to continue investing in new projects“.
As is the case in most of Europe, one of the main barriers to the development of the energy efficiency market in Spain is the lack of attractive and viable refinancing options for energy efficiency projects.
As a starting point for this project, REFINE partners carried out extensive market research on existing sources of financing in nine European countries including case studies on existing refinancing instruments in Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, and Latvia. One of the conclusions of the study is that, although the energy efficiency market is growing in most of the countries analysed, refinancing systems are underdeveloped in most of them. The full results of the study can be found here.
Following this research, REFINE partners have started working on the development of new tools to simplify and streamline the refinancing process for energy efficiency projects.
More information about REFINE: https://refineproject.eu
Press REFINE: ldaly@carrcommunications.ie
Press CREARA ENERGY EXPERTS: comunicacion@creara.es / Tel: +34 913 950 154 / 602 42 20 15
Carla Da Silva
Responsable de Comunicación ANESE
cdasilva@anese.es / Tel: +34 91 737 38 38 / 669 541 868