
Sale of receivables from EPC projects in the Czech Republic: a successful example of refinancing EES

Sale of receivables from EPC projects in the Czech Republic is a successful example of refinancing EES The goal of REFINE project is to contribute to the supply of sufficient and attractive financing sources to energy efficiency investments. The project is developing refinancing schemes enabling energy efficiency service (EES) providers to clean up their balance… Read More

Prodej pohledávek z projektů EPC umožňuje poskytovateli realizovat více projektů

Poskytovatel EPC si může na pokrytí investic vzít krátkodobý provozní úvěr od banky, který následně splatí prodejem pohledávek této bance. Dnes většinu projektů EPC realizují velké společnosti, jež jsou schopny pokrýt investici do úsporných opatření z vlastních prostředků. Nicméně, aby si poskytovatel uvolnil finanční prostředky pro další projekt, ve velké většině případů prodá pohledávky po… Read More

A glass building shining in the sun

RECAP: Market Growth Models for Energy Efficiency Investments – The Role of Refinancing Models

RECAP: Market Growth Models for Energy Efficiency Investments – The Role of Refinancing Models In November, the REFINE project hosted an online stakeholder workshop that brought together key stakeholders in the energy efficiency sector from across Europe. The speakers presented best practices, examples and the core concepts developed in the REFINE project, including rating systems… Read More

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First stakeholders On-Line Workshop

Energy Services Refinancing: a business opportunity to support the sustainable energy transition The Italian workshop dedicated to REFINE was held online and the participation and debate that developed during the 2 hours was fruitful and interesting. It was possible to bring together representatives of energy service providers, ESCOs, commercial banks, investment funds, public financial institutions,… Read More


SEIF: Sustainable Energy Investment Forums

SEIF: Sustainable Energy Investment Forums REFINE Coordinator, Klemens Leutgöb of e7 energy innovation and engineering (Austria) presented some key lessons of the project to date with a focus on guarantee instruments and refinancing methods for the energy efficiency market. The Sustainable Energy Investment Forums aim to boost large-scale investment and financing for energy efficiency at… Read More

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Project Consortium Meeting: October

Project Consortium meeting: October The latest REFINE Consortium Meeting took place across the 18th and 19th of October marking the 18th month of the project. Successfully, the meeting took place in a hybrid format with many partners making the journey to Vienna, Austria. The meeting was attended by all of our project partners who reflected… Read More


Market Growth Models for Energy Efficiency Investments: The Role of Refinancing Models

Market Growth Models for Energy Efficiency Investments: The Role of Refinancing Models Online Stakeholder Workshop – Friday 5th November 2021 The REFINE project is delighted to invite you to attend its online stakeholder workshop on Friday 5th November from 10:00 to 12:15 (CET). This workshop will bring together key stakeholders in the energy efficiency sector… Read More


Energy efficiency investment in Europe, a bigger gap than expected?

Energy efficiency investment in Europe, a bigger gap than expected? According to the FI-Compass report “The potential for investment in energy efficiency through financial instruments in the European Union”[1], the estimated required investment in energy efficiency in this decade (calculated according to data from the National Energy and Climate Plans of the EU Member States)… Read More

In the Media: Greece

Earlier in the project, REFINE partners CRES (Center for Renewable Energy Sources) were featured in Greek online news sites Energy Press & Insider followed by others, all of which you can read below. The articles discuss the goal of the REFINE project: to “strengthen the refinancing mechanisms for energy efficiency projects with Energy Efficiency Contracts… Read More



The latest REFINE consortium meeting took place from May 19th – 21st 2021 with all REFINE partners represented and providing updates on their work within the project. As the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic remain, the consortium came together in a digital meeting across all three days. The goal of REFINE is to contribute to the… Read More