EU-financiran projekt REFINE lansira nova rješenja za Europske pružatelje energetskih usluga u uvjetima produbljivanja energetske krize 21 listopada, 2022: EU Renovation Wave cilja obnoviti 35 milijuna energetski neučinkovitih zgrada do 2030. godine. REFINE projekt, financiran iz programa Obzor 2020 ima značajan doprinos ostvarenju tih ciljeva. REFINE ima fokus na rješavanju dostupnosti izvora financiranja za… Read More
refine PROJECT at REHABILIVING 2022 When: Friday 7th October Where: FIBES, Seville REFINE partners Creara who leads the project in Spain will attend the REHABILIVING 2022 including a forum focusing on the rehabilitation of buildings in Andalucia (Foro de las Instalaciones t la Rehabilitación eficiente de Andalucía). Energy efficieny experts, Creara will partcipate in an… Read More
Nová řešení pro evropské poskytovatele energetických služeb v období prohlubující se krize nabízí projekt REFINE REFINE vyvíjí nová schémata včetně standardizovaných smluv a klasifikačního systému pro snazší financování investic do opatření na zvýšení energetické účinnosti Nové e-learningové centrum projektu přispívá k úsilí zjednodušit a zvýšit přijímání projektů na zvýšení energetické účinnosti napříč Evropou … Read More
Vērienīgs Eiropas Savienības finansēts projekts REFINE ievieš jaunus risinājumus energoefektivitātes pakalpojumu sniedzējiem REFINE projektā tiek izstrādāti jauni rīki kā, piemēram, standartizēti līgumi un riska izvērtēšanas sistēma, lai atvieglotu energoefektivitātes projektu finansēšanu Projektā ir izveidots e-mācību centrs ar mērķi atvieglot un veicināt energoefektivitātes projektu attīstību Eiropā Pirmdien, 2022. gada 3. oktobrī: Eiropas energoefektivitātes… Read More
Major EU-funded REFINE Project Launches Novel Solutions for Europe’s Energy Service Providers As Crisis Deepens REFINE is developing new schemes including standardised contracts and rating systems to make it easier to finance energy efficiency investments The project’s new eLearning centre contributes to the effort to simplify and increase the uptake of energy efficiency projects… Read More
refine PROJECT at the European esco conference 2022 When: Wednesday 5th October Where: Messe Frankfurt, Germany Conference Agenda and Registration to follow in September. The REFINE project will attend the European ESCO conference taking place in Frankfurt on Wednesday, 5th October during the Light+Building exhibition. Our project coordinators in Austria, e7 energy innovation and engineering will… Read More
refine is going to the sustainable Places conference 2022 When: Thursday, September 8th, 14:00 CET Where: Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France (hybrid event, online attendance possible) Register for the conference here The REFINE project is going to the 10th annual Sustainable Places Conference, 2022 which will take place in Nice, France. Our partners in the… Read More