Project Consortium meeting: October
The latest REFINE Consortium Meeting took place across the 18th and 19th of October marking the 18th month of the project. Successfully, the meeting took place in a hybrid format with many partners making the journey to Vienna, Austria.
The meeting was attended by all of our project partners who reflected on project milestones and the work completed over the recent months. In addition, the partners outlined the next steps for moving REFINE forward, particularly for planning the project’s EU-wide online stakeholder workshop and stakeholder training to ensure the efficient and widespread use of the refinancing method.
Partners presented their work, achievements and plans for the coming months. Opening with an introduction from coordinator Klemens Leutgöeb of e7 energy innovation and engineering (Austria), the following partner presentations led to very fruitful discussions around the development of the project’s training material and the upcoming ‘refinanceibility’ rating tool.
More information is available across the REFINE website. You can keep up to date with REFINE by signing up for our newsletter and following our social media channels on Twitter and LinkedIn.