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Pilot Details
Pilot Name EUROPA Pilot
Client Type H2020 Programme
Country International
Solution Type Rating System

EUROPA is a Horizon 2020 project in which the consortium has developed an Energy Efficiency Subscription (a set of technical specifications, procedures and standard contractual arrangements) ensuring guaranteed energy savings from the deep renovation of residential buildings. This is being assisted with a technical assistance service in the form of a one-stop shop, enabling coordination and support in the end users investment journey.


During the pilot process, the consortium was introduced to refinancing business models and how they act as an accelerator and scale enabler for building renovation projects. They reviewed the REFINE-developed rating system and agreed to implement it under their project alongside other tools like a renovation cost calculator, thus allowing the platform users (both building owners and ESCOs) to explore their own project’s refinanceability. In close cooperation with Funding for Future, representing REFINE, this tool was developed based on their opportunities in terms of tool development and integration and possible adaptations that would make the tool compatible with their needs.

The development of the refinancing checklist took only about 140 hours in total (including documentation, meetings, checks,  development, team management, and testing), demonstrating how simple it would be to replicate. Furthermore, this demonstrates the benefits of such synergy, namely, expanding created tools to other projects, which are then further improved, and where project participants (in this case, One-Stop-Shops) who have EE projects or can direct ESCOs to the platform and learn about refinancing as a financing solution, which may promote its use in the future, as well as help structure projects that are in line with refinancing general requirements. Furthermore, rather than an excel spreadsheet, such a tool provides a very simple and interactive user experience in which the user can explore its options independently. Furthermore, the rating system provided in this manner allows for additional data collection in a standardised and systematic manner, which can later be used for analysis.

For more information, please contact:

Ēku saglabāšanas un energotaupības birojs (Ēkubirojs) and Funding for Future B.V.